Dove Men+Care
“In my 17 years of play, I've seen hundreds of highlight reels featuring my footage, but when I think about what I've accomplished in life I don't recall game tape. My greatest achievements unfold with my team at home and in my community, and the sum of these are captured in Dove Men+Care's 'Real Strength Highlight Reel.'" - Carson Palmer
Dove Men+Care looked to change the narrative on what success meant in sports, away from what’s on the scoreboard and towards what makes these athletes human. So we came up with a Highlight Reel, but the footage within may not be what you’d expect.
At VaynerMedia, we worked with Carson Palmer and Jordy Nelson to showcase their true Highlight Reels.
Cason Palmer’s Highlight Reel
Jordy Nelson’s Highlight Reel
Dove Men+Care capitalized on a new Twitter feature called Twitter Amplify to hyper target fans consuming NFL target with 6-second preroll ads.
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